French Tech Visa

We’re extending an open invitation for you to come to France to join, launch or invest in a French startup. Get on the fast track with us!


The French tech ecosystem has been growing rapidly. And many French startups have chosen to work in English and hire foreign talent. Tech talent is becoming a global talent pool, so this visa scheme is essential for the future of the French tech ecosystem.”Techcrunch
The French Tech Visa is a simplified, fast-track scheme for non-EU startup employees, founders and investors to obtain a residence permit for France.

What are the benefits?

  • Family-friendly. Your visa automatically extends to your spouse and minor dependent children. After all, no (wo)man is an island.
  • Valid for four years — and renewable.
  • Diploma agnostic. Almost every startup visa scheme in the world has diploma requirements. Ours does not.

Who is it for?

For employees

Join a French startup

For investors

Invest in French startups

For founders

Launch your tech company from France

Startup looking to hire a employee with French Tech Visa ?

Is my company eligible to use this Visa for our employees?
To be eligible your company must:
(1)  Be registered in France and present your SIRET number (a 14 digit number all French companies have)
(2)  Check one of the following requirements
  • Has the “Young Innovative Enterprise (JEI)” status. (FYI this is a package of tax credits and social contribution exemptions we offer to our R&D-heavy startups)
  • Received specific state funding* for innovation within the last 5 years
  • Backed by a French or foreign VC
  • Part of a cohort of an Accelerator/Incubator, in France or in another country
  • Is part of the current cohort of Pass French Tech
  • This list, updated regularly throughout the year, can be accessed on the application platform form.

How do I apply?

All applications must be completed online via our platform.

Will it cost my company anything?

France does not charge an employee sponsorship fee. However, standard processing fees of a total of €324 (see below) apply. Furthermore, the employer will have to pay the employer’s tax once the long-stay visa or the residence permit has been issued to the employee (Art. L.31115 and D.331183 of CESEDA)”.

Got questions?

Check out a few samplings of what we’re typically asked, along with our responses on