
Upcoming events and shows in which the French Tech Tokyo is implicated. Those events are made possible thanks to the Community Fund.

Upcoming events

The following 5 events are currently under preparation (dates are merely indicative) :

Virtual Career Event (several sessions throughout the year)

A series of three virtual job fairs designed to help Start-Ups, SMEs and Large Corporations looking to recruit bilingual talent in Japan. The fairs will also be an occasion to put the enterprises of the FT120/Next40 in the spotlight, as well as French companies based in Japan.

Work in Style (June)

This event aims to showcase and exchange on teleworking optimizing strategies and technologies, while considering how these innovative tools may be used to attract new talents. The obstacles to teleworking were indeed both exposed by the Covid-19 crisis and emphasized by Japanese administrative constraints: signatures requiring physical stamps (“hanko”), daily use of faxes etc.

Blue Energy (October)

Event centered around renewable maritime energies in Japan with a focus on hydro-kinetic resources, their potential and particularities.

Responsible Digital Innovation (October)

Responsible Innovation is playing an increasing role in collaboration choices between large corporations or in employer choices for the new generation. This event aims at presenting French and Japanese companies whose leading technologies bring new solutions to climate change challenges.

Meet and Connect (December)

For its fourth edition, the 2021 Meet and Connect will be an event with ever increased visibility, not only in Japan, but also within the international French Tech community, with Tech4good as a central theme. Including a wide array of challenges and pitches, this event will be in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, while the involvement of Business France and the Regional Economic Service of the French Embassy will allow for an ending of the 2021 cycle in the presence of high standing guests.

If you are interested in La French Tech Tokyo activities please contact us :