French Tech Community Fund

In July 2020, La mission French Tech in Paris launched for the second time the French Tech Community Fund call aimed at co-financing projects of the French Tech communities. This financing tool actively supports impactful initiatives embodying the strategic objectives of La French Tech, summarized under the key terms Talents, Attractiveness and Responsibility.
La French Tech Tokyo eagerly responded to this opportunity by presenting a cycle of 5 events planned to take place throughout 2021, on the theme “Talent and Values of the French Tech in Japan”. This approval goes to show the quality of the actions of La French Tech Tokyo and its ability to connect with local partners, but also shows its dedication to the organizing of regular events, driven by opportunities for cooperation with actors of the ecosystem.
The project submitted by La French Tech Tokyo is a cycle of events taking place throughout 2021, focused on the reciprocal attractiveness of France and Japan in the innovation sector. They will be the reflection of contemporary issues and focus on a key value for La French Tech initiative: the Tech for Good. The 2021 cycle will be an opportunity to exchange on the recruiting of new talents, to rethink responsible innovation but also to address the hurdles experienced by start-ups in an environment marked by both Covid-19 and Japanese specificities.
Check out our events currently under preparation (dates are merely indicative). For more details, please follow the link below